VMS - Vantage Modelling Solutions


Decal Set Classic Bundel
Decal Set & Fix and Decal Softener (2 x 30 ml)

This classic solution includes two separate fluids that will get the job done for you in the proven way. Fantastic adhesion achieved with proprietary adhesive formulation thanks to the Set & Fix fluid and conformity to model shape thanks to the Softener fluid. 

Use: Apply the Set & Fix fluid over target area and then apply the decal. Squeeze excessive fluid out and wipe it away with a brush soaked with water. To mould the decal apply VMS Decal Softener over the decal and wait 1-3 minutes. The decal will soften and adjust to the surface of the model. You can use acotton bud to help the decal conform to the surface, perform gentle tapping motion. Do not get the softening fluid on the paint job as it can dissolve the paint (true for any softening fluid brand). If the paint reacts with the softener simply introduce a bit of water to neutralise the softener and leave the paint be, it will revert to its original state. After 24h seal the decal using VMS Varnish HD. Due to the multitude of decals on the market and varying thickness of carrier films always check if the softener is compatible on a spare decal first!

Combine with: Decals

Recommended techniques: Brush

How to use the fluids?

Apply the Set & Fix fluid over target area and then apply the decal. Squeeze excessive fluid out and wipe it away with a brush soaked with water. To mould the decal apply VMS Decal Softener over the decal and wait 1-3 minutes. The decal will soften and adjust to the surface of the model. You can use acotton bud to help the decal conform to the surface, perform gentle tapping motion. Do not get the softening fluid on the paint job as it can dissolve the paint (true for any softening fluid brand). If the paint reacts with the softener simply introduce a bit of water to neutralise the softener and leave the paint be, it will revert to its original state. After 24h seal the decal using VMS Varnish HD. Due to the multitude of decals on the market and varying thickness of carrier films always check if the softener is compatible on a spare decal first!

How effective is the fluid?

One model requires around 0.5-1 ml of fluid depending on the decal amount, bottle hold 2 x 30 ml. You will be able to finish around 30-60 1/35 scale models before you run out of the product. 

What agent to use to clean brushes?

Plain water is enough to clean the brushes. 

How long do I need to wait before I can varnish my model?

Wait 24h - the decal will achieve the best fit over this time. 

Do I need to use gloss varnish before applying decals (so the can be positioned better)?

Our decal fluid is formulated to let the decal slide over surface without the need for a gloss undercoat but you can still do that if you like, there are no restrictions. 

The paint reacted when the decal softener fluid was applied.

We advise applying the fluid over properly cured layers of paint (7+ days old). Make sure the fluid is applied over the decal only. If the fluid gets on the paint just neutralise it using a brush soaked with water and wipe away and leave the pant to dry it will regain it's normal look.  

Decal has broken down into small pieces.

Makes sure your decals are compatible with the fluid using a spare decal. If the softener is too strong you can dilute it with water in 1:1 or 1:2 (water to softner) ratio and still use the fluid with your decals. This problem is rare though. 

Prijs per stuk:
€ 10,90
Aantal: Bestellen



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